School Programs

Through the use of sensory integration, adaptive technology and brushes, designed exclusively to support our diverse students, unique body movements and success-oriented tasks we believe students with mild to severe disabilities can create art independently while also meeting their Individualized Education Plan goals. Sessions can be held at our Kaleidoscope Art Studio or at the nonprofit organization location.


Concord High School & Padua High School

Through the Concord High School Engineering & Design partnership, we are committed to providing a strong support system for the disability community, creating adaptive technology that builds independence and empowerment.

Concord Engineering Students Helping People with Disabilities Create Art Independently


Red Clay Consolidated School District

  • Meadowood Program - H.B. duPont Middle School, McKean High School, Meadowood Transition Program (Red Clay Consolidated School District)


Christina School District

  • REACH Program

  • Delaware School for the Deaf



Colonial School District

  • John G. Leach School